Principles of a Customer Service Culture

Is customer service just a separate department in your company? Or is it a philosophy that’s baked into every part of your business? I believe that customer service should be part of your culture, and that requires putting some key principles in place that will help get everyone on board with your mission. Learn more…

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The Perfect Customer Experience

When you think about your business, just how good do you imagine your customer service could get? What could you realistically do to create an ideal experience for anyone who walks in your doors? Take it a step further. What are some things you could do that are truly over the top, things that maybe…

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Let’s Start Over From the Beginning…

Tell me if you’ve ever had this experience: you call a company to discuss your problem, only to be transferred to someone else. You then have to start from the beginning and repeat your entire story. There’s a possibility you even get transferred to yet another person and have to do the whole thing over…

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How Your Customers Compare You

When you think about your customers, who are they comparing your business to? Of course there are plenty of direct competitors they might be thinking of. But you should remember that in today’s business environment, they are comparing you to any business in any industry – including Amazon. How has Amazon shaped your customers’ expectations…

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Why Customers Fire Businesses

The customer experience is maybe the biggest factor in whether a customer stays loyal and comes back, or leaves and terminates the relationship. Can you think of some reasons a customer would cut ties with your business? In this week’s video, I’ll discuss three of the many experiences that might drive a customer away: apathy,…

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How Valuable is a Personalized Experience?

How important is personalization to delivering a positive customer experience? If you’ve looked at survey data, you might be forgiven for thinking that it’s not one of the most important factors for customers. But it’s actually very important, especially as a differentiator when there are many companies who can all provide comparable products or services.…

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Why You Need Loyal Customers

We all want repeat customers. It’s a lot easier to get someone to buy when they’ve already bought from you before and they know from experience that you can solve their problem. But what’s even better than a repeat customer? A loyal customer. They are not exactly the same thing. So what’s the difference? Watch…

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What Do You “Always” Do?

Has your business developed a reputation with customers? When they think about their interactions with your business, do they think about how you “always” do something, or “always” respond in a certain way? If you can get to a point where customers think about you and say things like, “They’re always so helpful!” or “They’re…

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The Simplest Truth in Customer Service

Sometimes, the simplest statement is also the truest. We can talk a lot about things that go into a great customer experience—and we do! But at the bottom of it all, you can’t afford to forget the fundamentals that must come before we start designing elaborate plans for the customer journey. It all starts with…

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Getting Customer Service Right

Thanks to negative experiences, many people look upon customer service interactions with dread. Even getting the basics of customer service right can help your business stand out, and deliver positive experiences for customers that resolve their problems, answer their questions, and improve their relationship with your company. Learn more in this week’s video!

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