GSB TV: How to Treat Your Employees Better

Your employees are absolutely essential to the operation of your business. They solve problems, interface with customers, make sales, handle daily responsibilities—all sorts of things that keep your business running and make it more successful. Studies have found that happier workers are more effective, so as a business owner one of your jobs is to…

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GSB TV: The Rules for Giving Positive Reinforcement

Using positive reinforcement can go a long way toward helping your team members, making them more satisfied in their work and more productive at the same time. In this week’s episode of GSB TV, Will Adams and Matt Tarkenton look at Aubrey Daniels’ rules for positive reinforcement and how to make it work. Daniels is…

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GSB TV: Direct Mail is Not Dead!

Contrary to what you may have heard, direct mail is not dead as a marketing tool! In this session of the GSB TV Sales & Marketing Show, Chris Barnes talks about this tried-and-true marketing method, and discusses some of the reasons why it is still a viable strategy even in the 21st century, when everyone…

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GSB TV: The 5 Pages You Need on Your Business Website

You know you need a website. But what structure should that website take? What are the pages you absolutely need to have? That’s one of the most common questions we receive from our members at GoSmallBiz—and on this week’s episode of GSB TV, we bring you the answer! Ed Fox and Edwin Bevens discuss the…

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GSB TV: Follow These Maxims for Business Success

What are the fundamental principles you follow that guide you in your life and in your business? In this session of GSB TV, Matt Tarkenton and Fran Tarkenton talk about some of the guiding principles that Fran has developed over 77 years, including more than 50 years in business. Following these principles are key to…

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GSB TV: How to Thrive with Niche Marketing

Small businesses aren’t necessarily looking to compete directly with the giants of the business world. But with niche marketing, they can zero in on a target buyer and create offerings for that specific type of person in a very targeted way. There is a higher conversion rate with niche marketing with a more manageable number…

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GSB TV: Mastering Customer Service Over the Phone

Delivering great customer service over the phone is an important part of providing an outstanding customer experience. Many customers will call in with problems or questions, and knowing how to treat customers and prospects on the phone can be a huge benefit. In this session of GSB TV, Ricardo Jimenez and Chris Barnes look at…

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GSB TV: Jumpstarting Your Company Blog

Are you experiencing blog-writer’s block? Has your company blog been sitting without an update for months, or even longer? Or have you been putting off setting up a blog because you don’t know what to write about? In this week’s session of the GSB TV Digital Marketing Show, Edwin Bevens and Ed Fox offer advice…

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GSB TV: Think Like an Insurgent!

For any business, complacency can be deadly. Whether large or small, standing still is an invitation for competitors to pass you by. In this episode of GSB TV, Will Adams and Matt Tarkenton offer advice for businesses to help them avoid complacency, think like an insurgent, and as Jeff Bezos of Amazon says, make every…

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GSB TV: Marketing Ideas to Jumpstart Your Business

Every business is looking for new marketing ideas, whether it’s a new business just getting started or an established business growing its customer base. In this session of the GSB TV Sales & Marketing Show, Chris Barnes and Dustin Casebolt discuss some outside-the-box marketing tips you can use to give your business a boost and…

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