GSB TV: Think Like an Insurgent!

Think Like an Insurgent

For any business, complacency can be deadly. Whether large or small, standing still is an invitation for competitors to pass you by. In this episode of GSB TV, Will Adams and Matt Tarkenton offer advice for businesses to help them avoid complacency, think like an insurgent, and as Jeff Bezos of Amazon says, make every day Day 1. Keeping the attitude of an underdog encourages constant improvement, innovation, growth, and creativity.

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • Why it’s so important to stay in Day 1 mode
  • How insurgent business owners approach challenges
  • How to run your business day to day to encourage insurgent thinking

Further Reading:

10 Characteristics of Insurgent Companies, Ascension Strategy

As Amazon grows, Jeff Bezos ponders how to stave off decay, Seattle Times

For all this and more, watch the full session below!

Come back next week for the next episode of GSB TV!

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