Do You Know the Value of Your Employees?

If you have a good employee, you hope that they’ll stick around forever. But that’s not how things go, and over time you’ll have to replace valuable team members. To help you better understand just how important it is to move quickly to fill open positions, learn how to calculate the quantifiable revenue per employee.…

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Your Employees Need a Break!

Fewer and fewer American workers are taking time off. A recent study found that in a single year, 40 percent took no vacation, and fewer than half of those who did made it a work-free vacation. There’s no getting away, it seems! But other studies have shown just how valuable it is for employees to…

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What’s a Premium Audit?

Premium audits may be required for your business insurance policies, especially workers’ compensation policies. Don’t be afraid! These audits are intended to make sure your insurance matches your risk exposures. They are conducted near the end of your policy’s term, and based on a number of business documentation, could raise or lower your premiums. Learn…

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Should You Put Your Accounting in the Cloud?

More and more businesses are moving their accounting systems into the cloud, and finding huge benefits at tax season. It is a particularly big benefit to reducing tax preparation time, with all the information accessible in one place, and also available to your accountant throughout the year for regular check-ins that reduce the chance of…

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Do You Have the Licenses You Need?

What kind of licenses will you need when you start your new business? We’ve put together a simple breakdown of the licenses and registrations you may need, include business registration, tax registrations, state business licenses, licenses to sell products, renewals, and more. Don’t let these basic requirements become a stumbling block to getting your new…

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Why Small Businesses Should Think About Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity isn’t just a concern for the big companies. It affects businesses of every size, and as many as half of all small businesses experienced cybersecurity issues in the past year alone. We’ve debunked some of the most common myths you’ll hear about small business cybersecurity, all in our latest post on our blog, including…

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Have You Hired Adaptive Workers?

The only constant is change, and it’s important that your team is made up of adaptive workers—people who don’t resist change, but embrace it, and even anticipate it! The key to finding these kind of exceptional people is not based on generational stereotypes, but you can discover them by asking the right kinds of questions…

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Can Automated Scheduling Help Your Calendar?

Scheduling appointments and managing the calendar is an important task for a business, but can be a tedious and time-consuming one, too. Automated scheduling solutions can help businesses that struggle with this problem run more efficiently. As a general rule, automated scheduling software is usually cloud-based, allowing your clients to schedule their own appointments on…

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Do You Need an Employee Monitoring Policy?

Technological innovations make it possible for business owners to keep closer tabs than ever on what their employees are doing: location can be found by cell phone GPS data, internet usage can be tracked, emails can be stored, etc. So, it’s certainly something you can do. But should you? There are pros and cons: for…

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When Employees Get in Trouble Off the Clock

What can you do when an employee—especially one in a leadership position—gets in trouble off the clock? Domestic abuse, a DUI—or any kind of criminal misconduct that could impact this person’s ability to do their job and reflect poorly on your business? In such a situation, proceed with caution! Different states have different laws governing…

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