Open Enrollment in a Hybrid Workforce

We’re now in open enrollment season for employee benefits. And while there are always changes to navigate and communicate with your employees, the move many companies have taken toward a hybrid workforce, with more people working remote, has added a new wrinkle into the process. How do you help everyone understand their benefit options? We…

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Effective Employee Retention Tips

A great employee provides so much value to your business. In the middle of the Great Resignation, though, it’s more important than ever to find ways to improve employee retention so that your company can continue operating at full capacity. We’ve come up with some ideas that you can implement in your business, including stay…

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Strategies to Improve Employee Retention

Have you struggled with employee retention recently? We are in the midst of what is being called the Great Resignation, as employees are leaving their jobs in record numbers to take different positions. Is there anything you can do as an employer to stem the turnover tide? We have a few tips, including flexible work…

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How Do Vaccine Mandates Affect You?

In recent weeks you may have heard a lot about vaccine mandates. Will they impact your business? How should you respond to other businesses adopting mandates? If you have a mandate in your business, how do you implement it? What exemptions and accommodations are there to be aware of? We’ll talk about all these questions…

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Benefits of Hiring Veterans

In this unusual hiring environment, it can be hard for a business owner to find the right employee for open positions – on top of having to hold onto the employees you already have! Have you considered hiring veteran candidates? There are many specific traits commonly found in veterans that make them ideal job candidates,…

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Personal and Professional Development for Employees

One of the best ways to retain your employees – especially in light of the current struggles many businesses are having with keeping employees or finding new ones – is to provide opportunities for growth, both personally and professionally. There are always ways for people to develop new skills and roles, and you can learn…

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Treating All Employees Fairly

Over the past year and a half, companies have made dramatic shifts in how work is done. Many employees are still working remotely at least part of the time, and will likely continue to do so, while others have gone back to the workplace full time, while others never left. As businesses navigate these different…

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Don’t Use This Term for Your Employees

Words matter. The terms we use to describe things can shape the ways we think about them. And that’s true for people, too. How you refer to your employees can make a big difference. Of course the term employees is always common, and there are many other terms that people use. But make sure you’re…

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A Consistent Culture for All Employees

Over the past year-plus, many businesses have discovered that a hybrid model of in-office and remote work is effective for what they do. If that sounds like you, that’s great! But with the hybrid model comes the risk that people working in the office will experience a different culture from those working remotely. It takes…

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Correctly Handling Exempt Employees

Do you have exempt employees? Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), these are employees who are exempt from receiving overtime pay for hours worked beyond 40 in a week, and the classification is based on three tests. But even if your exempt employees meet those requirements, there are some common mistakes many employers make…

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