There was once a time when having great customer service really stood out. But as more companies have discovered the importance of a great customer experience, it has come to the point where it’s no longer a nice-to-have luxury, but rather an essential, must-have for any business. Now, you’ll stand out when you don’t make…

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We’re still in the early stages of the new year, so there’s still time to come up with a plan for improving your business in 2020. I’d encourage you to focus on stepping up your customer service this year, and I’ve been working on a list of 20 ideas you can implement to create a…

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What’s your resolution for the New Year? Don’t set a goal with no plan to achieve it. Instead, there’s a simple two-step process you can follow that will help you identify a goal for this year, and how you’ll get there. You might be surprised to know that it starts by looking backwards at the…

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No matter what business you are in, you have to always put the customer first. Think like a customer, and look for ways to provide real value to your customers. And that also means treating your customers the way you would like to be treated if the situation were reversed. As a small business, it’s…

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Sometimes a problem pops up, and it has really bad, inconvenient timing. But the timing is outside anyone’s control. Other times, however, a problem happens at an inconvenient time—except that timing was the result of a bad decision. When you’re trying to create a great customer experience, bad timing can happen, but you shouldn’t ever…

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You know it’s important to make a good first impression. But what about your last impression? If you’re asking your customers to fill out a survey about their experience, that survey becomes their last impression of your business. So it needs to measure up. Learn about how to create a good survey and leave a…

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What’s the simplest way you can show respect to other people? Showing up on time. Being late isn’t just an inconvenience; it’s a sign of disrespect, that you think your time is more important than the time of the people who are waiting for you. So showing up on time may seem simple, but it…

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What standard do you set for yourself when you’re serving a customer? Your standard for yourself should be even higher than the standard the customer has for you. Holding yourself to that standard will help create a better customer experience, and lead you to be more proactive about taking care of things when something goes…

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What makes a business stand out from its competitors? What makes YOU stand out from your competitors? So many businesses have little that differentiates them from another alternative for their customer. It might just boil down to who’s closest, or who they saw most recently. But you can do more.  You can find ways to…

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