
Handling Competition: Do’s and Don’ts

Almost every small business owner has to deal with competition, no matter what industry you’re in. Of course, like all things, there is a right way and a wrong way to deal with it, though. Knowing how to handle competition is vital to the small business owner, especially when a new kid comes to the…

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Startup? Don’t Forget These 4 Areas

The final phase of starting a new business involves several administrative matters. With the business entity formed and registered, the physical facility ready, the new business owner must address outside professional support: banking, insurances, accounting and tax systems, and staffing. Some of these administrative elements significantly impact the financial health and management efficiency of the…

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5 Tips for Working with Lenders

Obtaining a loan is a challenge that many entrepreneurs face during the first years of running their business. Whether you need money to fund a new project or to expand on an existing one, here are 5 tips for working with lenders that can help you seal the deal on that loan to put your…

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Getting Free Local Publicity for Your Business

Once you’ve developed a great product or service, you need to find a way to communicate about that product to the public. Without public awareness of what you can provide, how will anyone know it even exists? You need to get your name out there, and make sure that people know who you are and…

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Why Entrepreneurs Are Natural Bootstrappers

When you’re an entrepreneur, your ultimate goal, the thing that everything else builds on, is to create value for others by solving problems. To do that, you have to look at the resources you have available to you, and figure out ways you can use them. That DIY approach makes entrepreneurs natural bootstrappers, and not…

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8 Creative Ways to Thank Your Clients this Holiday Season

With the 2020 holidays fast approaching, we wanted to reshare this holiday post from holidays past. Make sure to implement proper safety and social distancing measures, but you can still do many of these things! Can you believe that it’s November already? It seems like just yesterday we were enjoying all the things that summer…

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Building a Strong Banking Relationship

Deciding where to do your business’s banking business is an important question, affecting many aspects of your daily operations, such as business loans, deposits, and cash management. What are the steps you need to take to find the right bank and build a strong banking relationship for your business? Here are a few tips you…

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The Reasonable Person Principle

In any group of people, whether it is family members, close friends, or business colleagues, misunderstandings and disagreements are sure to occur. Handling these situations can be very delicate, balancing so many people in such tight quarters. A good solution that contributes toward an open corporate culture is the Reasonable Person Principle. What is the…

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Treating Customers Right

No matter what business you are in, you have to always put the customer first. Think like a customer, and look for ways to provide real value to your customers. And that also means treating your customers the way you would like to be treated if the situation were reversed. As a small business, it’s…

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How Big is the Market?

One of the key questions that any investor or lender is going to ask you is how big your market is. Market size is an important factor in the long-term success of a business. The main issue at stake is how many potential customers are out there who might be interested in buying your product or service.…

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