What Entrepreneurs Need to Know About Becoming Amazon Sellers

Recently, Amazon revealed in its Small Business Empowerment Report that nearly 2 million small and medium-sized businesses based out of the United States are selling through Amazon. The report also disclosed that half the items purchased through the website come from—you guessed it—small and medium-sized businesses. As more individuals migrate over to the platform to…

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3 Ways Employees Can Fall Back in Love With Their Jobs

Life over the last few years have been difficult for many professionals. The way we work has shifted significantly amid the COVID-19 pandemic. There are employees struggling with feelings of burnout, stagnation, and internalized questioning as they watch coworkers exit during the Great Resignation. You might not even have any of these feelings but are…

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How Employers Can Build Trust with Employees

Do you trust your employer? In June 2021, the Edelman Trust Barometer released a special report titled “Trust, The New Brand Equity.” The report examines the relationship between an employee and employer, ever-changing amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. No longer is a higher salary or career advancement the primary motivator for employees. Today, 6 out…

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Who Are Encore Entrepreneurs?

Who are encore entrepreneurs and what is their relationship with small businesses? Encore entrepreneurs are defined as entrepreneurs that are over the age 55, according to the Spring 2021 “The Megaphone of Main Street: Unsung Entrepreneurs” report presented by SCORE. (Previously, the internet might have referred to these entrepreneurs as boomer entrepreneurs.) An encore entrepreneur’s…

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4 Characteristics All-Star Employees Have in Common

As we enter the holiday season, I can’t help but take a moment to express a tremendous amount of gratitude for my team. From the team members that have been working with us for over a decade to those newly onboarded over the last year, everyone has been bringing their A-game to work—regardless of physical…

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How Do You Build Your Team Up?

The way we work is going through historic, radical changes. Seemingly overnight, the entire world learned to adapt to remote work as necessitated by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. An experiment in working from home that felt like it would only last a few weeks in March 2020 is, for many, approaching nearly two years as…

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Share Your Passion to Grow Your Business

Once your business is established, it’s time to think about growth. And to achieve growth, you have to have the right tools to get there, tools that will make it easy to share your passion with other people! Think about all the different things a business needs today to grow: Customer relationship management Email marketing…

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Moving From the Startup Stage to the Growth Stage

One of the biggest leaps for your business is when you shift from the startup phase – taking care of everything you need to do just to get off the ground – to the growth stage, where you’re focused on all the different ways to reach more people and operate more effectively and efficiently. Oftentimes,…

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3 Key Ingredients for Successful Business Meetings

Recently, I was reading an article about Milind Pant’s unforgettable meeting in the back kitchen of a Pizza Hut. Pant, now the CEO of Amway, was then the chief marketing officer of India for Yum! Brands. Yum! operates Pizza Hut. Part of Pant’s onboarding process included training at a Pizza Hut store to learn more…

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Launching a Startup is a Milestone Moment

A few weeks ago, I was reading an article in The New York Times about business showers. A business shower is an idea that piggybacks off a traditional baby shower event. Many people have friends that are celebrating pregnancies and the upcoming births of their children with baby showers. If you’re entrepreneurially minded, why not…

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