Your personality type may impact your earnings. A recent study found that, using the Myers-Briggs personality types (MBTI), individuals with extroversion, sensing, thinking, and judging traits earned higher income. Is your business participating in Small Business Saturday this year? Gene Marks is skeptical of how much impact the event really has. Is it better to…

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This week’s top reading for entrepreneurs includes our national obsession with productivity, how speakers should use hand gestures, and the controversy over the new chip cards. Melissa Gregg of Intel looks at the obsession with productivity in contemporary culture, and the way that various apps promise that technology will help workers and entrepreneurs take control…

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New crowdfunding rules approved by the SEC allow entrepreneurs to distribute shares, and not just products, in exchange for funding from small investors. Do you need trademark protection in your business? Peter Tabibian and the story of his Z-Burger trademark give an example of why it is so valuable. Having content is not enough. Greg…

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