Midweek Reading: Crowdfunding, Content, and IP

New crowdfunding rules approved by the SEC allow entrepreneurs to distribute shares, and not just products, in exchange for funding from small investors.
Do you need trademark protection in your business? Peter Tabibian and the story of his Z-Burger trademark give an example of why it is so valuable.
Having content is not enough. Greg Satell writes for Harvard Business Review about how we never call anything good “content.” Instead, try to hold people’s attention with great published and produced material.
Mary Laschinger of Veritiv talks about one of her first leadership experiences, and how she discovered the importance of engaging all the people in the company.
Do you consider yourself an entrepreneur? Here are six differences between an entrepreneur and someone who runs a business.
Metrics only help when you’re measuring the right thing. Even knowing how many customers you have isn’t as valuable as knowing whether you have the right kind of customers, as the example of VinConnect shows.
Local government makes a big difference in the business environment in an area. Here are the ways that local leaders are helping small businesses in San Francisco, Boston, and New York City.
Many small business owners hold onto their day jobs because they don’t have enough money to leave. Here are 5 ways to generate the income needed to become an entrepreneur fulltime.
Forbes’ Dan Schawbel gives 10 predictions on upcoming trends in the workplace that we’ll see in the next year.
Have you considered the possibility that a digital upstart could upset your business? One of the biggest fears for business executives is getting “Uber-ized.”