Midweek Reading: Encore Entrepreneurs, Do-Gooders & Microbusinesses

Research confirms the popular wisdom that older entrepreneurs are playing a larger role in the US, with 55-64 year olds now making up more than 25 percent of all new entrepreneurs this year.
Jena McGregor analyzes about why people are always interested in stories about do-good bosses, whether it’s Dan Price installing a $70,000 minimum annual salary at his company or Mark Zuckerburg giving billions of dollars to charity.
The Kauffman Foundation reports that while the overall rate of business ownership is holding steady, the total population of microbusinesses, with fewer than 10 employees, is rising much more quickly.
Small business owners are using creative tactics to retain employees in an increasingly worker-friendly labor market.
Location, location, location. That’s how the saying goes. Candice Landau shares 13 strategies for finding the ideal location for a business.
Now is the time to start setting up your reading list for next year. SmallBizTrends has 10 books on leadership you should be reading.
To improve your command of language, learn the differences between each of these 10 pairs of commonly confused and misused words.
Parents, retailers, and toy manufacturers are all trying to find the right balance on gender labeling and marketing products.
Gene Marks picks out the 19 people in Washington with the most influence on small businesses.
Have you heard the latest song from Adele? Oh, only 847 times? Sara Dann picks out 6 business lessons from Adele’s marketing for her new super-bestselling album.