
What Documents Are Required When Applying for a Business Loan?

Finding and applying for business funding is a process that requires patience, time, and proper documentation to complete. There are a variety of factors that affect what type of documentation—and how much of it—you will need to provide. Some of these factors include the size of the loan and your current financial situation. One of…

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You Need a Business Plan

T. Boone Pickens is famous for saying, “A fool with a plan can outsmart a genius with no plan.” We all work smarter, more efficiently, and more effectively when we have a plan, when we’ve mapped out what we are trying to do and how we plan to get there. Without a plan, it’s very…

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Nourish Water — Creating a Brand

Forming the most effective brand for your business is a challenge for any business owner, but you can take cues from what other brands are doing. In this segment, Lara Hodgson, CEO and founder of Nourish, talks about the steps she went through to create the Nourish brand. Sure, she created a great product, but…

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How Much Money Do You Need to Start Your Business?

You’ve made the commitment, and now you’re ready to start your own business. How much cash will you need? Should you invest directly in the business or fund a loan? What are the tax consequences? Answering these questions is important, and by following these steps you should be on your way to a workable plan.…

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