Is It an Excuse or a Reason?

I want to talk about your philosophy, and by that I mean what you do when things don’t go the way you want them to, when you encounter challenges or change. What is your philosophy when you get knocked down or when the sales process does not go the way you want it to? As…

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Success Strategy: Whatever it Takes

Your product and the need for that product in the marketplace are obviously extremely important, but equally important is your philosophy about how to handle changes and unforeseen circumstances, because they will come up as you do business. What is your philosophy about reacting to adversity? There is enough information out there that can help…

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The 4 Types of Sales Objections

What are the reasons that people buy? Why would they buy your product or service and say no to another? There are a lot of ways that people can say no, but when you really look at it, there are only 4 types of sales objections. They are: no need, no hurry, no money, or…

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What Customers Want to Know

Continuing to educate yourself on sales methods and strategies is vital to the growth of your business. You can attend workshops and seminars, you can read books, and listen to podcasts. I’ve done that throughout the last decades, trying to learn, trying to become better. I found out a long time ago if I get…

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Sales Strategy: Selling What Something Does

People don’t like to be sold, but they do like to buy. They like to be helped. They want their situation to be improved. They want their pains to be alleviated. They want to save time. They want to save money. But here’s a little secret — no one gets up in the morning thinking…

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Always Keep Your Promises

To develop a strong brand, you have to get customers to know your value proposition. They should know what makes you different from your competitors. But it’s not enough for them to just know what you say makes you different; they should know from seeing you fulfill your promises. The fastest way for a business…

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Sales Tip: Feel, Felt, Found

There are certain things that successful salespeople do that unsuccessful salespeople do not do. One of the things that a good salesperson does is control the conversation. They don’t worry about what they have to say next; instead, they focus on what their prospects are saying. Having patterns in mind to help you formulate a…

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We Can’t Control Change

Let’s talk about something a little bit different, maybe something you haven’t thought of, but something that you and I are confronted with and have to deal with almost every single day, every single hour of our lives. And that is change. So many people are concerned about change. We look at what’s happening all…

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Finding Motivation in Tough Times

Let’s talk a little bit about dealing with the issues and problems that are going to come up with you during this year. You are going to have issues—we all are. You are going to have appointments that are cancelled. You’re going to have sales and orders that are cancelled. You are going to have…

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Stop Worrying, Start Doing

Many times we allow ourselves to be defined by the things that happen to us in life, but that is not what is important. What’s important is what we do about what happens to us. There will be things that will happen to you, but you should try not to worry. If you find yourself…

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