
Burnt Hickory Brewery: Marketing a Local Brewery

Scott Hedeen is the founder and brewmaster of Burnt Hickory Brewery, located in the northwestern suburbs of Atlanta. Scott classifies Burnt Hickory as a “nanobrewery,” competing in the rapidly growing Atlanta craft-beer industry. To set himself apart from the pack, Scott has taken the time to build a unique brand that uses both his own…

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Burnt Hickory Brewery: Startup Resources

Starting a new business requires a wide range of knowledge and resources to help push through all the requirements—as well as the unforeseen obstacles that can get in your way. Scott Hedeen’s experience at the Burnt Hickory Brewery was no different. For help, he relied on his own knowledge of, and contacts within, the brewing…

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11 Quotes to Inspire You to Action

Everything has a beginning. But getting from 0 to 1 is often just as difficult—if not more—than going from 1 to 100. If you’re looking for a little inspiration to get started, whether it’s with that new business idea, a project, or whatever you’re dreaming of, here are 11 quotes that might help jumpstart you…

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Business Mentoring: The Evolution of Goodwipes

Sam Nebel and Charlie Siciak of Goodwipes bootstrapped their business, as it evolved from a shared habit to an idea to a tangible product with customers and partners. Their idea for a side business started with a product they both believed in, and an idea for standing out in the marketplace. From there, it came…

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5 Reasons to Incorporate

One of the most important decisions a business makes is choosing how it is organized. Incorporation may be wise, but for some, it may be unnecessary. Each business should carefully weigh the benefits and drawbacks of incorporation before choosing. Here are 5 reasons incorporation may be a good choice for you. 1. Life A good…

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Burnt Hickory Brewery: Choosing a Distributor

Burnt Hickory Brewery brewmaster Scott Hedeen didn’t have the option to come up with an idea and then open up the next day. For his business, as with any other, there were legal and regulatory hurdles to clear. One of the most important was finding a distributor. Not only was it a legal requirement, but…

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Getting Free Local Publicity for Your Business

Once you’ve developed a great product or service, you need to find a way to communicate about that product to the public. Without public awareness of what you can provide, how will anyone know it even exists? You need to get your name out there, and make sure that people know who you are and…

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What’s Your Small Business New Year’s Resolution?

2016 is here, and that means New Year’s Resolution time. On a personal level, millions of people are promising themselves to improve their health, give up bad habits, and every idea under the sun. But the New Year is a great time to make some resolutions for your small business, too. What are the things…

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Burnt Hickory Brewery: Cutting Through the Red Tape

It takes more than passion to start a business. Scott Hedeen, founder and brewmaster of the Burnt Hickory Brewery, tells the story of how he turned his idea into a startup reality, with stops at the local, state, and federal governments along the way. He got through the red tape to get his business off the…

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