Business Mentoring: The Evolution of Goodwipes

Evolution of Goodwipes

Sam Nebel and Charlie Siciak of Goodwipes bootstrapped their business, as it evolved from a shared habit to an idea to a tangible product with customers and partners.

Their idea for a side business started with a product they both believed in, and an idea for standing out in the marketplace. From there, it came down to meeting people and making connections. Through Google, they found a manufacturer. A stop on the Florida Turnpike became one of their first customers. A conversation with a fellow entrepreneur led them to the trade show where they signed up 50 retailers.

Through it all, they retained control of the company and built the platforms and partnerships they needed to get off the ground.

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • Why it’s important to get feedback on your product and branding ideas
  • Why it’s better to bootstrap a new business in the early stages
  • How selling is like making friends

Watch this week’s full mentoring session below:

Come back next week for more business mentoring with the Goodwipes team, looking at how they tested the product at trade shows!

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