
The Color of Branding

What do you want your business to be known for? Color plays an important role in our daily lives, and over time, we’ve developed specific emotional reactions to different colors. These reactions have been shaped since birth and can vary based on geographical location, age, and gender. Color has a direct effect on our mood…

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8 Tips for Startup Success

If you’re anything like most entrepreneurs, you love the idea of the startup. It’s always an exciting time to be in the startup phase of a new business. However, this can also be a very volatile time, as it really matters how you make use of your resources. Here are a few tips for startup…

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6 Tips to Get Customers to Come Back Again

Every business is always looking for one more customer. However, a new customer isn’t always the best answer to growing your business. Your existing customers are every bit as important to improving your growth and profitability. Existing customers are your best prospects. Turning a one-time customer into a regular and loyal customer is incredibly valuable…

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Concern, Influence, and Control

In Stephen Covey’s bestselling book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, he describes a technique that can help us identify our lowest and highest priorities. He illustrates this by drawing two circles. One is a Circle of Concern. The Circle of Concern includes a wide range of things—things that are completely outside your control…

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How to Deal with Anger in Business

No matter what you or I have been told, business isn’t just business. Business can be just as personal as other aspects of our life. This is especially true for entrepreneurs, whose entire livelihood is dependent on their business succeeding. And when business is personal, things can get emotional. Inevitably, if you’re in business long…

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When You Have Something Nice to Say, Say It!

There I was, standing in aisle three of the grocery store, staring blankly at the endless selection of coffee. Suddenly, I was startled out of my stupor by the voice of a nearby clerk. “Sir, I really like your shirt,” the young man said. Startled by the unexpected compliment—especially since it pertained to my fashion…

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7 Signs That You Have an Ego Problem

According to a study published in the Harvard Business Review, 2 in 5 CEOs fail within their first 18 months of leading an organization. Even 1 in 3 chief executives from Fortune 500 companies don’t make it past three years. What’s going on? I believe many of these failures in leadership positions can be traced…

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Inspiring Yourself to Action

Earlier this week, I stumbled upon a lecture delivered by the “Father of the American Nuclear Navy,” Admiral H. G. Rickover. The lecture, delivered in September 1982, was titled “Thoughts on Man’s Purpose in Life.” In its entirety, the Admiral’s views on life, and the guiding principles he lived by, really struck a chord with…

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You’re Not “Too Busy”

Many people wear their “busyness” as a badge of honor. To be busy is to be important, in-demand, needed, relevant. But here’s the truth: no one is ever “too busy.” We just have a lot of choices to make about how and with whom we want to spend our time. Consider this. After simply ignoring…

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5 Rules to Make Your Gifts Unforgettable

Every year around the holidays, our company breakroom fills to capacity with a mountain of indistinguishable gift baskets full of stuff―peanuts, pretzels, coffee, meats and cheeses, fruits, chocolate, and just about everything else that can be consumed by office vultures. The baskets are sent to us by business partners, vendors, people that we’ve worked with,…

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