
4 Ways to Create Brand Fanatics

You are always looking for ways to increase sales at your business. That might mean getting new customers. But new customers are not the only possible solution. You can—and should—look at ways to get your existing customers to come back more often to buy more. Increasing customer loyalty is a great strategy. Here are 4…

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Starting a Marketing Campaign

A marketing campaign can be overwhelming for a new business. Where do you even begin? It’s important to get your name out there, but with so many things going on in your business and a steady barrage of information, it’s easy to get lost. It’s important to focus on the areas that will get you…

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The Importance of Keeping it Simple (and how to do it)

As your small business grows, it’s not always easy to keep your processes simplified. The more mature an organization becomes, the more things accumulate and get in the way of performance. Complexity can be a major hindrance to the overall productivity of an organization as well as to the morale of employees. Here are 6…

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Keeping the Entrepreneurial Spirit Alive

As any business ages and grows, it will change. You don’t always do things the same way you did as a startup. The quest for innovation and new approaches to problems often gradually give way to a focus on incremental improvements and doing what you’ve always done, just a little bit better. This problem is…

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Starting a Marketing Campaign

A marketing campaign can be overwhelming for a new business. Where do you even begin? It’s important to get your name out there, but with so many things going on in your business and a steady barrage of information, it’s easy to get lost. It’s important to focus on the areas that will get you…

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The Importance of Keeping it Simple (and how to do it)

As your small business grows, it’s not always easy to keep your processes simplified. The more mature an organization becomes, the more things accumulate and get in the way of performance. Complexity can be a major hindrance to the overall productivity of an organization as well as to the morale of employees. Here are 6…

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Managing in Cyberspace

Not only has it been a growing trend for businesses to hire employees or independent contractors who take care of their work out of office, but in the current COVID-19 pandemic, many other businesses have been forced to adopt remote work, with their employees. Managing your employees in an office setting requires a fairly common…

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Keeping the Entrepreneurial Spirit Alive

As any business ages and grows, it will change. You don’t always do things the same way you did as a startup. The quest for innovation and new approaches to problems often gradually give way to a focus on incremental improvements and doing what you’ve always done, just a little bit better. This problem is…

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Insuring Your Business Property

A small business is almost always better served with an “all-risks” policy than with a “named peril” policy. The named peril policy will cover risks that are specifically enumerated in the policy, whereas the all-risks policy will cover risks that are not excluded. With the all-risks policy, business owners don’t have to manage duplication of…

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6 Traits of a Great Leader

Great business leaders don’t merely reach their goals of achieving growth within an organization; they carry themselves in a way that garners the respect of those around them. By observing great leaders, we can gain a better understanding of what it takes to emulate their success. I’ve put together a list of 6 traits that…

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