
How to Build a Productivity Strategy

In any small business, there is a mountain of tasks that need to be done—some right now, some yesterday, and some down the road. Some are critically important; some would be nice but are not essential. Some are things only one person can do; some can be done by anyone on the team. To help…

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How Much is Employee Stress Costing You?

Employee stress can be a big hidden expense in your business, causing diminished productivity and lost workdays. A study by Harvard found that more than a third of workers deal with work-related stress. The good news is that there are things you can do that will reduce stress for your employees—and maybe even yield some…

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Hire Using More Than Just Salary

Some positions are naturally more difficult to fill than others. When you have a job opening like this, it’s easy to think the solution is just to offer more money—but salary isn’t always the right answer. An employee whose only loyalty is to the size of the paycheck could leave you needing to fill that…

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Engaging Training for Remote Employees

As more and more workers take the option of working remotely, it adds new challenges to employers. Recent estimates find that around 4 million workers in the United States are working from home for at least half of their hours. So when your workers aren’t in the office, how do you keep them engaged? And…

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Finding Your Real Company Values

Company values are a lot more than the words you choose to put in a mission statement. They’re more than just whatever you say your values are. Your company’s values are the things that you and everyone on your team say and do, day after day. That’s what people see, and those are the values…

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Are You Hiring Diverse Talent?

A diverse team of talented people can drive innovation in a company, with a wide range of perspectives and experiences bringing new insights. To help make it easier to hire diverse talent, you can implement some small practices that will improve your hiring practices. Make sure you’re searching for candidates in overlooked places, looking for…

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Keep Your Employees by Making Work Meaningful

What can you do to keep your employees with your business longer? A growing number of workers are actively looking for new jobs, or at least open to a new offer, and often without a large pay increase. A big factor is meaningful work. If your employees don’t believe their work is meaningful, they’ll be…

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A Culture of Employee Recognition

When you recognize your employees for doing a great job, does it come across like a transaction, or is it a deeply engrained part of your culture? Recognition that has the greatest impact needs to come across as a genuine moment, not just another item to be crossed off the to-do list. Our blog team…

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How to Manage Political Discussions in the Workplace

It’s a cliché: the two things you’re not supposed to talk about are religion and politics. But sometimes, especially in an election season, political talk is everywhere. What can you do as an employer to manage political discussions in the workplace, and keep everyone’s focus on the job and the customer? While you have to…

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Take Smarter Risks

If you don’t ever take any risks, you won’t get anywhere. But you also can’t take too many risks, acting too rashly. Every small business owner needs to take a smart approach to taking risks, balancing the potential benefits with the potential costs, both of taking action and not taking action. By building a thorough…

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