Posts by ADP®
Reaching Non-Desk Employees
Non-desk employees are a major part of the workforce, and yet they can be disconnected from the most common communication outlet used today: email. If you are sending all your important messages over email, but you have workers who spend all day away from computers, as in retail, manufacturing, and many other industries, it can…
Read This ArticleSmall Business Mythbusters: Working Interviews
Myth: A business is not required to pay prospective candidates for working interviews. Working interviews can be beneficial to both prospective employees and employers. When interviewees spend a few hours or days embedded in a workplace environment, they get a real-world glimpse of what it might be like to report there every day, while interviewers…
Read This ArticleCommunicating Technology Changes
Implementing new technology in your business can be a great benefit, but it also requires a lot of communication to ensure your entire team is on the same page. That includes communication before to get your team to buy into the change, communication during implementation to let people know what’s happening, and communication afterward to…
Read This ArticleShould You Outsource Recruiting?
Do you handle all your recruitment yourself? Looking for the best talent is an important task, but also a time-consuming and potentially expensive one. Many companies are finding that outsourcing recruitment is a more effective, cost-effective approach than handling it internally, especially in a low-unemployment environment. If you’re looking for ways to improve recruiting, we…
Read This ArticlePolicies for Boosting Mobile Security
When your employees bring their own devices into the workplace, it can open up security risks for your business. So what kinds of procedures can you implement to counter those risks while still enjoying the benefits of a BYOD policy? Our latest looks at five steps, including from a mobile management policy to education programs…
Read This ArticleSmall Business Mythbusters: The Final Paycheck
Myth: All employers must provide final pay to employees on their last day on the job. Some business owners are required to provide a final paycheck on an employee’s last day with the company. Whether that is true depends on the state in which your employee is working. Under federal law, a final paycheck must…
Read This ArticleSmall Biz Mythbusters: Unpaid Internships
Myth: As a small business owner, I don’t have to pay interns who receive credit from their school. Some business owners believe college students seeking summer internships can provide free labor in exchange for school credit. It’s become something of a tradition. After all, these businesses are often helping students gain valuable career experience. That…
Read This ArticleSmall Business Mythbusters: Direct Deposit vs. Paper Paychecks
Myth: Paper paychecks are for small businesses; direct deposits are for big companies. Your business may be small, with just a few employees, but that doesn’t mean you can’t mimic big companies when it comes to issuing paychecks. If you’re still distributing paper checks to your employees, you may want to consider the advantages of…
Read This ArticleSmall Business Mythbusters: Working Off-the-Clock
Myth: I do not have to pay employees who access work email on their mobile device after they have clocked out for the day. We live in a hyper-connected world where employees are reachable essentially all the time. It isn’t unusual for staffers to write emails over the weekend, check phone messages late at night…
Read This ArticleSmall Business Mythbusters: How to Motivate Employees
Myth 1: Money is the only effective way to motivate employees to improve performance. Raises and bonuses certainly are ways businesses can motivate employees to work harder and better. But, cash isn’t the only way to encourage workers to improve their performance. Some studies have shown it is not even the best way. Helping employees…
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