How Will “Facebook Zero” Impact Your Business?

Another Algorithm Update? Just in case you haven’t been checking your feed (what are you… on Twitter or something?), Facebook released their latest algorithm update a couple of weeks ago. Check out Mark Zuckerberg’s post about the update. But what does it all mean? Like many Facebook announcements, this one is extremely vague and lacks real substance…

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This Hidden Facebook Button Will Get Your Business Page Free Organic Likes

Don’t let the title fool you—I’m not delusional. Likes don’t matter. While organic reach may not be dead, it’s certainly retired and bought a nice little sports car. By this point it’s probably considering investing in a restaurant somewhere. Edgerank Checker found that organic reach for the average Facebook Business Page dropped from 16% to 6.5% from February…

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Facebook Business Page Types Explained

This is an excerpt from our free downloadable Facebook Marketing Guide. Download the guide for more information. Updated on 4/26/16. As you look to start a Facebook page for your business or company, many get stuck on the first step — choosing a page type. It can be overwhelming, especially if you’re unsure of the…

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9 Epic (and Hilarious) Business Branding Fails

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, you’re just going to fail. It may stem from a lack of research, a good idea gone awry, or just plain bad luck, but it’s going to happen. And not just in small businesses, either. Here are 9 examples of seemingly good ideas gone terribly wrong from the world of…

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16 Inspiring Quotes from Dr. Seuss

People recommend motivational books to me all the time. I’ll be honest, most of the time I tune them out as they begin talking. The ones I do listen to, I never read. But as I sat down to read Dr. Seuss’s “Oh the Places You Will Go” to my 4 year old son last…

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53% of People Lie on Resumes — Including Brian Williams

This will be my 4th year working at Tarkenton Companies and, but you probably knew me before then—even if you didn’t realize it. Let’s look at some of the highlights from my resume: 2003: After forgoing college and deciding to enter the NBA draft, I was taken 1st overall by the Cleveland Cavaliers. After…

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Target Key Influencers to Market Your Products

Let’s face it, finding a business that you can trust is a hard thing to do. I’m not saying that your business is untrustworthy—I’m just saying that I wouldn’t trust you… yet. So the question becomes, how do you get me to trust you and give you that initial chance that will show me what…

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