Start with a Winning Culture
In the end, it’s the culture that matters. More and more people are coming to that realization in the business world, and it holds true in every context. Culture trumps strategy and ability. In business, I’ll bet on a group of people who are working together and focused on moving as a team to solve…
Read This ArticleMidweek Reading: Minimum Salaries, the Sharing Economy, and Liberal Arts Degrees
Here are some of the best things I’ve read recently for entrepreneurs, including news, profiles, and expert advice: When Dan Price announced a new minimum salary of $70,000 for all employees at his company, Gravity Payments, as a way of combating income inequality, he drew praise and criticism from talking heads—but also caused a firestorm…
Read This ArticleForeign Qualification for Businesses
Just because your company is incorporated in one state doesn’t mean you can’t do business in another. However, in order to do so legally you will have to qualify as a foreign corporation. For example, if you incorporated in your home state, New York, but want to do business in an adjoining state like New…
Read This ArticleMidweek Reading: USA-Made, Management Fads, and SBA Loans
July is nearly over, but small business news keeps on coming. Here’s some of the best midweek reading for small business entrepreneurs this week. With more and more people freelancing as part of the “Gig Economy,” some self-employed freelancers are working to recreate some of the structures of traditional business. David Politis was interviewed by…
Read This ArticleBehaving Like a Business Entity
When business owners form a business entity under state law – either a Corporation or a Limited Liability Company – they do so for multiple reasons, the most common of which are: Need for multiple owners in the business Limits on personal liability Tax treatment based on the type of entity selected Simply forming the…
Read This ArticleMidweek Reading: Millennials, Overtime, and Immigrant Entrepreneurship
We’re making our way through another week, with a lot of big news for small business owners. Here’s the most important news, advice, and thinking from around the web for entrepreneurs. Ted Hesson writes about how different cities are reacting to growing immigrant populations, and the impact on small business formation and growth. Peter Miller…
Read This ArticleThe Danger of Being Undercapitalized
It’s always exciting to think about the idea of having your own new start up. You hear about stories where entrepreneurs started with just $300 and a cardboard box and then turned their business into millions. In reality, having worked with many types of business owners, the first mistake made by most is simply not…
Read This Article4 Keys to Entrepreneurial Independence
Every year we celebrate our independence on July 4. Of all our holidays, July 4 really stands apart with its unadulterated joy. We shoot off massive firework displays, see how many hot dogs Joey Chestnut can eat, and spend time with family and friends in the bright summer sun. It’s all because of the freedom…
Read This Article4 Keys to Entrepreneurial Independence
Every year we celebrate our independence on July 4. Of all our holidays, July 4 really stands apart with its unadulterated joy. We shoot off massive firework displays, see how many hot dogs Joey Chestnut can eat, and spend time with family and friends in the bright summer sun. It’s all because of the freedom…
Read This ArticleMidweek Reading: Burt’s Bees, Shopping Malls, and Good Jobs
Another week is flying by, while we’re all still coming off the high of Independence Day and World Cup Championships. Here are some of the things you should be reading this week as a small business owner: Burt Shavitz, the one-of-a-kind entrepreneur who founded Burt’s Bees, passed away this weekend at the age of 80.…
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