
[Video] Business Planning: The Market Analysis

Before you’re given any money, investors or lenders will want to know the size of your market. Market size is an important factor in the long-term success of a business. The main issue is how many potential customers are out there who might be interested in buying your product or service. Not everyone is a…

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[Video] Business Planning: What is a SWOT Analysis?

A SWOT Analysis is a business planning tool used to evaluate the chances of success in a project or business venture. The SWOT acronym stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Many business plans don’t include this section—but that’s a mistake. The SWOT analysis is a key ingredient in a strategic business plan. This is…

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Advertising Mistakes: Ads to Avoid

Are you making mistakes in your advertising? Advertising is a key weapon in your quest to win one more customer. But one of the first lessons you’ll learn when you begin advertising is that not all ads are created equal, and they can cause you harm if not used properly. What are the biggest advertising…

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Why Entrepreneurs Are Natural Bootstrappers

When you’re an entrepreneur, your ultimate goal, the thing that everything else builds on, is to create value for others by solving problems. To do that, you have to look at the resources you have available to you, and figure out ways you can use them. That DIY approach makes entrepreneurs natural bootstrappers, and not…

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How Helping Others Can Help Your Business

When a lot of people hear the word “philanthropy,” they think about the 1%, America’s multi-millionaires who have all the money they need and can afford to make large donations to their favorite charities. But what if there was a way to embrace philanthropy as a small business and actually benefit from the strategy of…

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How to Approach International Executives

Whether you’re an entrepreneur with international exposure or you’ve merely heard stories about cultural diversity, I’m sure you’re aware of how delicate interactions can be in a foreign environment. The importance of cultural sensitivity is only magnified in a business situation. Here are a few cultural differences and best practices to be aware of when…

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Essential Steps to Launch a Startup, Part 3

The first essential steps to launching a startup that we discussed were developing your big idea, creating a plan, and finding funds. These are critical to building the foundation for a strong business. Once you’ve completed those steps, it’s time to look at the next two: overcoming legal hurdles and launching the business. Making It…

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Essential Steps to Launch a Startup, Part 2

Launching a new start-up business is a real challenge even for experienced entrepreneurs. Last time we talked about how to develop your big business idea, the idea that will drive the business. There’s more to it than just a product or service. The next two essential steps to launching a startup are to create a…

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Essential Steps to Launch a Startup, Part 1

Launching a new startup business is difficult and nerve-wracking even for those who know exactly what they’re getting into. For those who have never gone into business for themselves, the entire start-up process can be overwhelming. There are so many hurdles to jump through, risks to take, and tasks to complete, that many aspiring entrepreneurs…

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