
Consultant’s Corner: Filing for a Sole Proprietorship

Question: How do I file a sole proprietorship under the same name in the state of California? You can review the other basic steps to forming a sole proprietorship in California through the following government and business resources, which include these general considerations: File for a fictitious business name (optional) Obtain Licenses, Permits, and Zoning…

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Consultant’s Corner: Starting a Nonprofit Association

Q: I wish to start an “unincorporated nonprofit association” as a nonprofit enterprise to help disabled veterans. What steps should I take and what are the limits of an “association” rather than a 501[C](3) nonprofit organization? These informal groups are called unincorporated associations. The advantages of being an unincorporated association is that there are (generally)…

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Consultant’s Corner: Regulations for Teenage Workers

Q. What is the minimum legal age for a home care worker performing non-medical tasks in Illinois? My understanding is that as long as the environment is not hazardous, 16 or older is a legal age for teenage workers. We have provided labor law reference information below for your consideration; however, since your GSB general…

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Consultant’s Corner: Paying the Members of an LLC

Question: Can a three member LLC, being taxed as a partnership, place the three members on a payroll service with other employees of the company? The members of an LLC taxed as a partnership cannot take W-2 salaries or wages like employees of the LLC and cannot therefore have their compensation processed through a payroll…

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