Online Strategy Basics

Today, every small business needs to have an Internet strategy, an intentional approach to the online world. And it is not out of the reach of the small business entrepreneur; there are some basic principles and guidelines to a successful online strategy. Many small business owners believe an online strategy consists of building an attractive…

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You Need a Content Strategy

A content strategy is a road map for managing content generated by your company. It can include information on the type of content and the medium used, as well as the timing of this content. Creating a content strategy can be a very time-consuming project, but will ultimately help you by giving your business a…

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Website Design Boot Camp Part 4: Website Content

So you understand all the functions you want your website to serve, and you’ve got the general design down. But what about the actual content? What words can you put on a website to create dollars? There might not be a magic formula, but with strong and complete copy you can create a compelling site…

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Website Design Boot Camp Part 3: Aesthetics and Media

In lessons 1 and 2 of our Website Design Boot Camp we looked at website purpose and website design. This week, we look at effective use of media. Once you have your structural design in place, you’re ready to make your website really pop. To do that, you have to understand how to use aesthetic…

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Website Design Boot Camp Part 2: Website Design

Last week we looked at the purpose of a website. Now it’s time to get to the nitty-gritty of actually building a powerful website. That means creating a great customer experience on your website as well as a coherent path to convert visitors into customers. Let’s look at some of the fundamentals of website design:…

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Website Boot Camp Part 1: Website Purpose

Once you decide you need a website (or need to improve the website you have), it’s natural to want to get right to work. But the first step for building a great website, before you do any designing, copywriting, or coding, is to know the purpose of your website. Ask yourself these questions: — What…

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How Will the US Housing Market Be Affected by Brexit?

Let me first start by saying, “I have no clue.” Well, maybe SOME clue, but again, I’m about as good at predicting the future as you are. That being said, there are several indications that property values in the United States and the housing market overall will see a slight uptick, if not an all-out…

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Relocalmove’s Summer Maintenance Tips

We have partnered with Relocalmove to bring you and your employees a lucrative real estate benefits package whenever you or your employees buy or sell any real estate. Learn more at This article from the Relocalmove team offers advice on home maintenance: Summer is fully upon us, and that can only mean one thing:…

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What Kind of Loan Do I Need?

Great question! The answer is, I don’t know. But you do, so let’s ask a few more penetrating questions and find out what you need together. First, are you a first time buyer with a small amount of money to invest in a home? If yes, then an FHA loan is probably best for you. You…

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