
One of the most difficult actions you’ll take in business is terminating one of your employees. It’s unpleasant for everyone involved. Although the situation will never be easy, there are steps you can take before firing an employee that will lessen the difficulty of the situation. The principles of progressive discipline are an effective tool…

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When you hire a new employee, there are a number of steps you must complete. After you verify the employee’s eligibility to work in the United States by completing Form I-9, you’ll need to ask the employee to complete Form W-4 to determine the federal tax withholding amount. Next, you’ll need to record the employee’s…

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Most employers recognize the value of job descriptions, but not all human resources professionals understand what constitutes an effective job description – one that can serve as a basis for recruiting, performance evaluation and promotion. Think of it as a snapshot of the job in its current configuration. It’s not quite as simple as clicking…

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Successfully onboarding and integrating new employees into your business will help keep your business on track. Every employee needs to understand what your business is about, and what will be expected of them to help the business succeed. Having strong orientation and training programs for your employees will contribute toward this goal. What are the…

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One of the risks of being an employer is that you can never know your employees as well as you know yourself, especially during the job search and hiring phases. An issue you must be aware of and take steps to prevent is negligent hiring. As the business owner, you can be held responsible for…

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As your company grows and your employees become more comfortable with their roles, you might find that it’s a convenient time to start hiring summer interns as a form of recruitment. Interns make for great job candidates for a number of reasons. They offer the chance for a no-obligation trial period, which allows you to…

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At some level, every business owner knows that it’s more cost effective to keep employee turnover as low as possible. Even so, many don’t fully realize just how expensive it can be. Here are 6 expenses to keep in mind: Expenses to Consider The factors that go into determining the cost of employee turnover are…

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While many business owners take the time to protect themselves and their businesses from outside risks, these are not actually the largest risks you face. In many cases, you are far more likely to be sued by an employee than an outsider. Because of this, it’s important for you to think about employment practices liability.…

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Just because a small business can’t afford to offer its employees the same benefits package as a large corporation, doesn’t mean it can’t come up with creative ways to compensate when cash isn’t always available. Here are a few questions to keep in mind when designing a compensation and benefits plan for your startup. Do…

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Despite passing the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) in 1993, which allows employees to take 12 weeks of unpaid leave from their work before returning to their position, the U.S. is the only developed nation not to guarantee their working mothers salary during the time they take off from work after a childbirth. Not…

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