
Business Liability Insurance 101

Your company can be held liable for its actions, which cause: Injury to another person Damage to the property of another person Your company can be sued for such injury or damages, even if it didn’t cause them. You don’t have to be guilty to be sued. Even if a lawsuit has no merit, the…

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Business Insurance: Special Risks Checklist

A prudent business owner will purchase a multi-peril policy. Generally, a multi-peril policy will cover risks that are not specifically excluded in the policy provisions. There are risks, however, that are outside the norm. Certain of these “outside the norm” risks may be applicable to a particular small business. The entrepreneur should be alert to…

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Life Insurance

Life insurance pays a “face amount” to the beneficiary of the policy upon the death of the insured person. The purpose of life insurance is to fund the needs of anyone who would suffer from the loss of your income resulting from your death. Life insurance is used to satisfy both business and personal needs.…

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What is a Business Owner’s Policy?

One of the most popular insurance forms for small businesses is a BOP, or business owner’s policy. These policies have increased in popularity in recent years. A business owner’s policy is convenient and specifically designed for small or medium sized businesses. Here are some strengths and weaknesses of the business owner’s policy for you to…

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Errors and Omissions Insurance

Errors and omissions are the mistakes made by professional persons in the delivery of their service offerings. An example might be the instance of a real estate agent failing to disclose that an adjoining property had been rezoned for a purpose that might impact property value. Insurance for this type occurrence by a doctor, lawyer,…

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What is Business Interruption Insurance?

One of the most unpredictable risks facing a business is weather damage. Hurricanes, tornadoes, and all kinds of extreme storms strike unpredictably and can cause major problems for your business. When your business facility is damaged by disasters, you frequently have to shut down for a while to deal with repairs. But even though you’re…

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Professional Malpractice Insurance

Litigation is a part of the every day life of the average business owner and has been over the past few years. This is particularly true with respect to malpractice suits against licensed professionals. This category of risk generally applies to: Doctors Nurses Other medical practitioners Attorneys Certified Public Accountants Architects The importance of insurance…

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A Quick List of Common Types of Insurance Offerings

The article below gives a list of insurance types commonly offered through a business. Employee Term Life Insurance This is the most basic form of life insurance found in American businesses. Employers will either provide at no cost or offer on a payroll deduction basis, group term life insurance in conjunction with the company’s health…

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