The Common Trait Among Top Producers


I have been working with Tarkenton Companies for 12 years now. I typically work hand in glove with new Tarkenton Financial agents to provide the initial assistance they need to flourish in the Tarkenton system, but the relationships I have built with agents allow me to continue to work with them for years to come.

I was raised in a row home in southwest Philadelphia by my Grandparents. It was a tough neighborhood, but you knew where you stood with people, and everyone looked out for everyone else. Growing up in that environment, my Grandfather taught me a lot of valuable lessons. One especially important lesson was this: Caring cannot be faked. As a kid, I never really grasped the importance of this concept, but ever since I began my career, it slaps me in the face every day.

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Agents will ask me, “What is it that top producers do that sets them apart?” I had always answered that question with things like, “They do workshops,” or, “They have a radio program.” But it hit me one day that all that stuff was irrelevant. I sat down and took a look at our top 10 producers, and almost every single one had a different marketing strategy.

So what was the common bond they all shared? They all genuinely cared for their clients! You might say, “Well, I care!” But do you really, genuinely care? Do you show it? Do you go to the funerals of your clients and their family members, or drive a client to a doctor’s appointment? I know agents that do! Do you send birthday or anniversary cards, or deliver birthday cakes and pies on special occasions? I know agents that do that, too!

They don’t do that because they get paid a commission: they do it because they care.

I had the pleasure of seeing the great college football coach Lou Holtz speak some years back. He said, “People over-complicate what it means to live a GOOD life all the time.” He said there are just three simple things to remember that will enable you to live a life you will be proud of:

  1. Always do what’s right! You know what is right and what is wrong, so always do what’s right.
  2. No matter what it is, do everything to the very best of your ability.
  3. Go out of your way to show people that you GENUINELY CARE!

It was like I was 6 years old and riding in the car with my Grandfather again.

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Chris Barnes

Chris Barnes is the Director of Business Development at Tarkenton Companies. Chris has an extensive sales and marketing background, including being part of the product launch for Propel Fitness Water for Gatorade, a promotions and marketing specialist for 94 WYSP in Philadelphia, and part of the Fran Tarkenton Show on SiriusXM. Chris is actively involved in the insurance marketing world, where he recruits for and works with Tarkenton Financial, a nation-wide group of financial agents.