So You’ve Built Your Website: 5 Quick Tips to Keep It Optimized

Keep Your Site Optimized

Congratulations, you have now successfully built a website for your business. Now, you’re ready to sit back and watch the magic happen, right? Almost!  

To ensure that your website is performing at its best and driving customers to your business, it’s important to consider some these factors that will help ensure visibility and engagement:  

Make sure your website is well-connected to your social media accounts

Your website needs to be linked with your socials and your social media accounts need to promote your website. Link pictures from your Gallery page to your Instagram and Facebook pages. Include a “Follow Us” message on your site.  

You can quickly embed social media icons within your site. These will be hyperlinked, so that when the user clicks on the icon, they will be moved to your social media page. Where you put these icons on your website is up to you, but you want to confirm that they are being seen easily by visitors.  

If you are a brick-and-mortar business, insert a map for precise location

Almost all website software makes it easy for you to input your business address and a map will generate for you. This map can be located on your Contact Us page of your website, along with your hours and contact information for support.  

Ensure that it’s embedded with Google Analytics and optimized for search engines

Google Analytics is a code that can easily be embedded into almost any website builder software. It only takes a few minutes to create the code and it is available for anyone who has a Google account.  

So, what is Google Analytics for and why is it so crucial to be embedded in your site? Google Analytics tracks your website’s performance, collects visitor and traffic insights, marketing activities, and a whole host of other vital data trends. With this code, Google can in turn generate and provide visualized data on your site.  

Once you’re ready to add Google Analytics to your website, follow our step-by-step guide here

Claim your Google Business Profile to drive traffic to your site

A Google Business Profile needs to be claimed for any business, this will bring more direct traffic to your site, making it easier to find for anyone who is directly searching for your business on the world’s largest search engine. 

If your business is entirely online, you can still claim a Google Business Profile without a physical address. Your Google Business Profile will provide physical links to your website and contact information.  

Run an analysis to ensure that your website is now optimized and strong

Are there any broken links on your site? What links do you have from outside pages? Make sure they’re easy to see and are working properly. This seems straightforward, but we can often forget to check these things regularly. Running an analysis of your website will check for these things. It will also give you a comprehensive overview of your online presence. Having this data makes it easy to pinpoint what areas need improvement.  

Our experts are here to assist you with claiming and optimizing your Google Business Profile and our team can provide you a Website Consultation and Analysis report that will identify top priorities for improvement, giving you a clear track moving forward. All included in our Grow Bundle. Get started today and let us guide you along the way.  

GoSmallBiz offers small business consulting, CEO advice, and an extensive online learning center for small businesses and entrepreneurs. The mission of is simple – to improve the lives of its customers and give them a better chance at success. The GoSmallBiz business specialists have hundreds of years of combined business experience in both private and public companies, and represent all major industries and professions, including CPAs and specialists in finance, sales, marketing, HR, IT, and operations.