Small Business in the News: September 24, 2020 Edition

This week’s theme in the news is all about small businesses finding creative ways to succeed in the midst of crisis. What are shifts you could make to adapt to tough times, or overcome difficult circumstances? Many businesses, large and small, are turning to new initiatives and strategies. Maybe one of these ideas could work in your business, or maybe it will inspire you to find the right idea!
The pandemic could be turning the gig economy white collar, if this summer’s new freelancers are any indication (Business Insider)
How to Do PR When You’re Bootstrapped and You Don’t Have Connections (Entrepreneur)
Why this drive-through restaurant could be the future of fine dining (Fast Company)
How Corporate America is trying to drive 2020 voter turnout (Washington Post)
How Your Business Can Win with Podcasting (SmallBizClub)
Top Seven Things People Miss About Being in an Office During COVID-19 (Small Biz Trends)
The Essential Funding Guide for Entrepreneurs of Color (Inc.)
CEOs, make sure your employees aren’t struggling to get by (CNN)
Community Colleges Can Be Engines of Economic Recovery (New York Times)