Small Business in the News: October 14, 2020 Edition

Several of this week’s top headlines for small business owners are taking a look at how work itself has changed, and will continue to change, as a result of the ongoing crisis. Remote work was already a growing trend, and has been accelerated dramatically these past months. Which changes will continue, which will reverse, and which will stabilize?
Seeking clarity: How the concept of work has shifted (Washington Post)
July is the New January: More Companies Delay Return to the Office (New York Times)
Remote Work Will Not Magically End (Inc.)
Remote Working Needs a Mindset Shift for the Future (SmallBizClub)
Survivors and Thrivers: 25 Small-Business Standouts (Forbes)
How to Launch a Pandemic-Proof Business (Bloomberg)
Small-business owners say national paid sick leave wouldn’t hurt their bottom line (Fast Company)
What You Should Know Before Going Into Business With Family (Entrepreneur)
34% of Small Businesses Struggling to Pay October Rent (Small Biz Trends)
Three industries that are already bouncing back to pre-pandemic hiring (Business Insider)
It’s open enrollment season. Here’s what you should do differently this year (CNN)