Small Business in the News: March 17, 2021 Edition

What do you need to know about in the news that could impact your small business? This week we’ve pulled some news, trends, and insights on a wide range of topics, including health care, decision making, business finances, and more!
11 Lessons for Entrepreneurs From Jeff Bezos’s Tremendous Success (Inc.)
Escape the “Shecession” and Start a Business (Small Biz Trends)
U.S. Small Businesses Are Holding Off the Debt Apocalypse. For Now. (Washington Post)
Amazon Care: Amazon’s telehealth service will expand nationwide this summer (USA Today)
How Successful Entrepreneurs Block Out Distractions and Stay Focused (Forbes)
How the pandemic may be affecting your ability to make simple decisions (Fast Company)
A Shifting Digital Workplace (Entrepreneur)
4 Important Tips to Get Approved for a Business Loan (SmallBizClub)
Google reduces some app-store fees amid criticism (New York Times)
“I don’t have to choose between lifestyle and career.” How remote work changed these peoples’ lives (CNN Business)