Make These New Year’s Resolutions for Your Small Business in 2022

Resolutions 2022

Congratulations! You and your business made it to 2022! 

Of course, it wouldn’t be the new year without talking about our resolutions. They aren’t just for your personal life; you can make resolutions for things you want to do in your business this year, as you reach for greater and greater success. 

The possibilities are endless, and many may be very specific to your exact business. But to help give you ideas for some valuable resolutions that can make a difference for any company, read on for our 5 suggestions below! 

1. Form Your Business Entity 

If you’ve been running your business as a sole proprietorship or general partnership, now may be the perfect time to create a formal business entity, such as an LLC or corporation. These entity types have many benefits to a business owner, such as limiting your personal liability for the business’s debts, along with different tax options to choose from depending on your specific needs.  

When you’re ready to form your business entity, GoSmallBiz can help! With our Go Membership, our team will take care of all the paperwork required to set up your legal identity, manage annual report filings, and even provide a 15-minute consultation with a tax professional to help you find the right entity for you. 

2. Build/Update Your Website 

Are you one of the many small business owners who have not yet created a website? Or did you set one up, but have neglected to update it or make it more robust? Not only current customers but anyone who is interested in your business will be searching for you online, and it’s important that: a) they find you, and b) they are impressed with what they see. There’s no better time than the present to build a new website, or put in the work to improve the one you have! 

The GoSmallBiz Website Builder can be a great tool for small business owners looking to get online. Our intuitive design platform gives you all the tools you need to reach new customers, deliver a strong first impressions, and drive customer engagement. 

3. Build/Update Your Business Plan 

Every business needs a plan. Don’t make the mistake of trying to go without one entirely, or only using it when you’re looking for funding from a lender or investor. A detailed business plan can help you do so much more! Mapping out the future for your business can help you better understand your position, and track your progress over time. This year is the perfect time to create or update your business plan! 

To help you get started, you can use the GoSmallBiz Business Plan Software, featuring industry-specific templates, step-by-step guidance, and complete financial statements and projections. 

4. Launch a New Marketing Campaign 

Maybe it’s time to try something new. Whether that means adding a new product or service, selling into a new geographic area, targeting a new demographic, or experimenting with new marketing channels, you should always be looking for ways to grow and stay ahead of the competition. Think about what you want to try this year, and then take action to make it happen! 

Whenever you need help with a new idea – or any business topic! – our sales and marketing consultants can help, available with our Guide Membership. They’ll answer unlimited questions with detailed researched responses within just 2 business days!  

5. Manage Your Online Reputation 

Finally, make this your year to take control of your online reputation. Your website is critically important, but so is your business’s appearance on search and map results, along with online review sites. When potential customers search for you online, are they seeing an accurate representation of what you’re able to do for them? Commit to tracking and improving your online reputation in 2022! 

The good news is that GoSmallBiz can help you in many ways. With our Grow Membership, we can help you claim and optimize your Google My Business page to manage your appearance on the world’s top search engine, plus giving you a detailed analysis of your website with recommendations for improvement. 

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What are you looking forward to in your business in 2022? Let us know and we’ll be glad to help any way we can! 

GoSmallBiz offers small business consulting, CEO advice, and an extensive online learning center for small businesses and entrepreneurs. The mission of is simple – to improve the lives of its customers and give them a better chance at success. The GoSmallBiz business specialists have hundreds of years of combined business experience in both private and public companies, and represent all major industries and professions, including CPAs and specialists in finance, sales, marketing, HR, IT, and operations.