GSB TV: Do Less, Better

Do Less But Better

We all struggle with productivity, and how to get more done. On this week’s session of the GSB TV Leadership Show, Matt Tarkenton and Will Adams talk about productivity hacks based on the concept of Essentialism. The whole idea is to do less, better. Contemporary society rewards multitasking, but the most successful people understand the importance of focusing on their tasks and achieving their goals.

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • How to avoid letting your email inbox become your to-do list
  • How to incorporate constant mindfulness into your work ethic
  • Why busyness is not the ultimate goal
  • How to use the Rule of Three to achieve your goals.

Further Reading:                      

Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less, Greg McKeown

Productivity Hacks: How to Accomplish Anything, Insurance NewsNet Magazine

Watch the full session for these insights and more!

Come back next week for the next episode of GSB TV!

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