GSB TV: How to Excel at Time Management

How to Excel at Time Management

This week on the GSB TV Leadership Show, Matt Tarkenton and Will Adams tackle a topic that is near and dear to the heart of every single person in the world: time management. No matter who you are or what you do, everyone is working with the same 24 hours in the day to get everything done. And in the modern world, it is easy to become addicted to distractions; little things can easily fill every second of the day, leaving no time for you to take care of the most important things that will help you grow your business. If you’re time-starved, it’s critical to develop a process for your business by figuring out what is most important in your business and measuring and tracking those activities.

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • The importance of owning your time, instead of just managing time
  • Why you should keep a scoreboard of your work
  • How to eliminate the 3 D’s—distractions, diversions, and detractors
  • How to develop a deep work ritual that maximizes your efficiency

Further Reading:

Watch the full session for these insights and more!

Come back next week for the next episode of GSB TV!

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