GSB TV: How to Get from Idea to Reality

How to Get from Idea to Reality

This week on the GSB TV Leadership Show, Will Adams and Matt Tarkenton offer tips for getting from idea to reality and developing an innovative culture. Drawing inspiration from Adam Bryant’s interview with John Nottingham and John Spirk of Nottingham Spirk, they look at simple steps any small business owner can implement into their daily routine and mindset to create a more innovative, creative business.

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • How an internal champion adds a sense of ownership
  • Why a clear deadline and sense of urgency make things real
  • How to move past planning and testing into action

Further Reading:

In the Idea Kitchen, Too Many Cooks Can Spoil the Broth” by Adam Bryant

Watch the full session for these insights and more!

Come back next week for the next episode of GSB TV!

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