GSB TV: Building a Culture of Accountability

GSB TV Culture of Accountability

This week on the GSB TV Leadership Show, Will Adams and Matt Tarkenton talk about some of the key steps for building a culture of accountability. Based on a list of 10 steps, their advice is geared toward helping you build a team with the right people in the right place at the right time. From setting clear expectations to assessing performance to planning for the future, they discuss specific things you can do to help get your team’s best every day.

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • How to apply the New England Patriots’ ethic to your business
  • Why the annual review should not be the only time you assess performance
  • How to keep you and your team ahead of the curve now and in the future

Further Reading:

Right Person, Right Place, Right Time” by Will Adams

Watch the full session for these insights and more!

Come back next week for the next episode of GSB TV!

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