Friday 5 for the Week of November 28th, 2016


Stay Focused on the Moment

By: Fran Tarkenton

When I stepped onto the football field, I was not consciously thinking beyond the moment. Above all, I was not thinking about winning or losing. In the rest… 2 minute read

Best of Mentoring: Jonathan Pascual on Profitability

With: Jonathan Pascual

In this session, Jonathan and Fran talk about the journey to profitability, and how a business can plan and prepare for the early going when the business… Watch session

Communicating Your Value


You have to have a great product or service to succeed in business, but as important as that is, it’s not enough. You also have to find the right way to communicate… Read article

Health Plan Affordability Thresholds

By: Bill Wortman

The affordability requirement is one of the requirements ALEs offering employer-sponsored health coverage must meet in order to avoid having to make… 11 minute read

Building a Strong Banking Relationship

By: Chris Barnes

Deciding where to do your business’s banking business is an important question, affecting many aspects of your daily operations, such as business loans, deposits, and… 3 minute read

GoSmallBiz offers small business consulting, CEO advice, and an extensive online learning center for small businesses and entrepreneurs. The mission of is simple – to improve the lives of its customers and give them a better chance at success. The GoSmallBiz business specialists have hundreds of years of combined business experience in both private and public companies, and represent all major industries and professions, including CPAs and specialists in finance, sales, marketing, HR, IT, and operations.