Friday 5 for the Week of March 10, 2014


We know you’re busy, so we did the heavy lifting for you. Here is what other entrepreneurs are reading, sharing, and talking about on this week.

[Video] Attracting Venture Capital

Startup businesses have many options for funding; We&Co co-founders TJ Muehleman and Jared Malan thought from the very beginning that the right thing for them would be venture capital and angel investment. It’s a very different model from what many small businesses need. Typically, a small business will get a loan and pay interest on that loan. It’s a stable, predictable arrangement… Watch the video

Sometimes You Have to Scramble

At every snap of a football game, the offense has a plan. They know exactly what they want to do. But once the play starts, the defense can disrupt that plan. When that happens, the quarterback has a choice. He can try to run the play as designed anyway, and hope the defense doesn’t make him pay. He can give up on the play, throw the ball away or get down and just move on to the next play. Or, he can scramble and try to find a way to make something happen… Read more

Should I File for an Extension?

Many taxpayers pull all-nighters on April 14 and rush to the mailbox the next day to file their Form 1040 before the April 15 deadline. Many of those last minute filers believe that filing an extension will increase their risk of audit ­ therefore, the last minute scramble. Many of those taxpayers also file those last minute returns without adequate review and full of errors caused by the rush… Read more

Consultant’s Corner: Tax Write-Offs for Single Member LLCs

Question: I am the owner of a single-member LLC and would like to know what I can write off on my taxes this year.

An LLC is unique in that it can be taxed as a disregarded entity, partnership, C Corp or an S Corp… Read more

How to Retain Employees

High turnover is not uncommon in small business, but it is expensive. Most small businesses cannot afford to constantly hire and let go of employees. Having a dedicated staff is one aspect of a successful company that should not be overlooked. Particularly when working for a startup whose outlook could change from great to grim overnight, employees need a reason to stick stay around through the good times and the bad. Here are a few tips for keeping employees on board… Read more

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