Friday 5 for October 12th, 2018


Do Your Employees Get the Rock Star Treatment?

By Shep Hyken

I love the idea of treating your employees like rock stars, creating more engaged employees who will never want to leave your company. Watch this week’s video for more on the employee rock star treatment… Watch video

Have You Implemented Sexual Harassment Policies?


Being a small business does not guarantee immunity from sexual harassment complaints. This serious issue can arise in any business, of any size, and it is so important for you as a business owner to be… Read article

How Football Taught Me to Learn from Defeat

By Fran Tarkenton

At fifteen, during my junior year, we had a tackling drill in which I separated my shoulder. I probably should not have played again until my shoulder had healed, but I didn’t think about not playing. I just kept… Read article

The 4 Best Ways to Maintain a Business Partnership

By Deborah Sweeney

Partners make for a wonderful business asset for a number of reasons. They expand your customer base and reach, they give you a fresh perspective on your own business, and they provide some much needed… Read article

Finding Angel Investors

By Bill Wortman

Of course, the angel investor category can include family, friends, and business associates. Also, the type of business venture and amount of capital needed can influence where to look for angel investors… Read article

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