Friday 5 for July 20th, 2018


Don’t Disown Your Failures

By Fran Tarkenton

In my experience, on the field, in the huddle, in the locker room, in the marketplace, in the venture capital meeting, and even at the cocktail party, almost no one is willing to talk about failure, its pain, its benefits… Read article

Understand the Why Behind the What

By Shep Hyken

Are you focused on solving your customer’s problems? Doing so can actually be a bit more complex than you might initially think. It’s not enough to know what you sell. You have to understand the “why” behind… Watch video

How Diverse is Your Team?


A diverse workplace can yield some obvious benefits, like building your brand, reaching your community, and adding to your office culture. But there are many other very important benefits to having… Read article

The Reasonable Person Principle

By Chris Barnes

In any group of people, whether it is family members, close friends, or business colleagues, misunderstandings and disagreements are sure to occur. Handling these situations can be very delicate, balancing so many… Read article

Filing a Patent

By Bill Wortman

A patent for a product or business process invention is the grant of a property right to the inventor. Patent protection prevents others from using a product or business process invention for commercial purposes… Read article

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