Friday 5 for the Week of October 13, 2014


Miss something this week? We’ve got you covered like the blanket your Grandma made you.

If you like these, feel free to spread the word with the hashtag #Friday5. We made more than enough. Now, who wants chicken soup?

Business Mentoring Series — Trust and Authenticity in Relationships

The foundation of any relationship is trust. So if negotiations start with relationships, then it all boils down to trust. Trust is a combination of credibility, reliability, and communication. Combine that with an understanding of the other person  and there is a strong foundation for a negotiation… Watch episode

How to Adopt a DBA

A DBA allows you to conduct business under a different name. Here is an overview of the steps taken to adopt a DBA and a few scenarios where it would be recommended… Read more

Consultant’s Corner: Small Business Retirement Plan Options

Small business owners and their employees have a variety of retirement plan options. For example, there are several different types of IRAs: Traditional IRA, Roth IRA, Education IRA (EDIRA), SEP-IRA, SARSEP-IRA, and SIMPLE-IRA. Selecting the right plan for you will depend on several things… Read more

[Video] Never Get Caught on the Bench

They say that opportunity knocks, but that’s not always true. Sometimes you have to go out and find it. See the story of Fran Tarkenton’s first football game with the University of Georgia Bulldogs… Watch Video

Can Anyone Work in Customer Service?

Anyone can be taught to look someone up in a system. Anyone can follow a policy or recite a mission statement. But truly great customer service takes character… Read more

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