Friday 5 for the week of May 26, 2014


Here’s what other entrepreneurs have been reading, sharing, and talking about this week on

How to Become Productively Generous

Many people define success narrowly as money and power, but this leaves us sitting on a two-legged stool, which will tip over if we don’t add a third leg. Arianna Huffington makes a passionate case, supported by science, for expanding our definition of what it means to succeed… Read more

A Young Entrepreneur’s Guide to Success

The world is more connected now than ever before, so entrepreneurs of all ages are emerging from around the globe. While there’s no “right” age to have a good idea and successfully implement it, young entrepreneurs have valuable traits that help them succeed in business in spite of their age and experience level… Read more

A Salute to Veteran Entrepreneurs

The citizen soldier is a uniquely American thing. From the Minutemen to the Rough Riders to the Screaming Eagles of the 101st Airborne, ours is a military made up of the average citizen, especially in time of need—and they have responded in a great way… Read more

Consultant’s Corner: Drip Marketing

Certainly, one of the greatest challenges in sales is keeping the potential customer engaged throughout the sales cycle. If you don’t keep your company and its product/service on the forefront of the consumer’s mind throughout the sales cycle, it’s very likely that you will lose the sale… Read more

[Video] Small Business Marketing Strategy – Personality Over Position

Greg Abel from Tailfin Marketing says his company is built on letting the workplace develop organically. They don’t have a rigid organizational chart with positions to fill when hiring; instead, they hire based on personality and individual skill… Read more

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