Friday 5 for the Week of January 5th, 2015


Miss something this week? Well, these posts are as cool as the other side of the pillow. Here’s what’s been trending on

If these make you say booyah then feel free to share ’em with the hashtag #Friday5.

The Best of the Business Mentoring Series — Give and Take with Adam Grant

with: Fran Tarkenton and Adam Grant

Adam Grant is one of the most acclaimed social science thinkers in the world. In May Adam sat down with Fran to discuss the impact of personality style on success… Watch this series

[Consultant’s Corner] Tax Write-offs for a Single Member LLC

by: Bill Wortman

It’s almost everyone’s favorite time of the year — tax time. As a business owner it’s important you don’t leave anything on the table. Our consulting team examines tax write-offs available to single member LLCs… Read more

Helping Others is the Greatest Motivator

by: Fran Tarkenton

A sense of service to our customers, our prospects, and our business partners is the greatest source of motivation that exists. When you make it about the other person you build a powerful connection… Read more


25 Inspirational Quotes to Motivate You in 2015

by: Harry Kierbow

Another year in the books. Another chance to start fresh. Here are 25 of our favorite inspirational quotes to get you moving and help you make 2015 your best year yet… Read more

3 Ways to Become Productively Generous

by: Adam Grant

In Western culture, many people define success narrowly as money and power. However, this may leave us sitting on a two-legged stool. A truly rewarding life involves contributing to and caring for others… Read more

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