Friday 5 for the Week of February 9th, 2015


Handle with care: this week’s Friday 5 is hotter than the anchor’s chair at NBC Nightly News.

If you agree grab your oven mitts and pass this post on around with the hashtag #Friday5.

Business Mentoring Series: What Makes an Entrepreneur?

with: Fran Tarkenton and Jim Flannery

Jim Flannery, project director of startup incubator Four Athens, suggests that the common theme for successful entrepreneurs is a focus on solving a big problem. It’s not necessarily about coming up with a brand new idea, but finding gaps in the market and building on top of other ideas to create value… Watch episode

Introducing the Tarkenton Certificate in Entrepreneurship

from: GoSmallBiz

Developed in conjunction with UGA’s Terry College of Business, the Tarkenton Certificate in Entrepreneurship is a comprehensive, MBA-level certificate program designed especially for people who want to start their own business or run their current business better. GoSmallBiz members can take advantage of special pricing… Learn more

We All Need Mentors

by: Fran Tarkenton

Mentors play such an important role in our lives. I know that my mentors made a huge impact on me, in both football and business. And even now, at 75 years old, when I’ve started more than 20 companies on my own, I still have people I go to for insight and learning. It never stops… 2 minute read


Website Design Boot Camp Part 3: Aesthetics and Media

by: Ed Fox

Understanding how visitors will interact with your website is a crucial part of great design. For instance, did you know that people scan web pages in an ‘F’ shape- going from left to right across the top first then down the left hand side? Prioritize your site’s information based on this visual pattern. Learn more about website design in part 3 of our Website Design Boot Camp- Using Media… 6 minute read

53% of People Lie on Resumes — Including Brian Williams

by: Harry Kierbow

Brian Williams is certainly not the first person to “misremember” on his resume. In fact, studies show that as many as 53% of resumes contain “falsehoods” (that’s a euphemism for lies) and that 70% of college students would lie on their resume to get a job they really wanted… 5 minute read

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GoSmallBiz offers small business consulting, CEO advice, and an extensive online learning center for small businesses and entrepreneurs. The mission of is simple – to improve the lives of its customers and give them a better chance at success. The GoSmallBiz business specialists have hundreds of years of combined business experience in both private and public companies, and represent all major industries and professions, including CPAs and specialists in finance, sales, marketing, HR, IT, and operations.