Friday 5 for the Week of Feb. 24, 2014


We know you’re busy, so we did the heavy lifting for you. Here is what other entrepreneurs are reading, sharing and talking about on this week.

[Video] Finding the Right Co-Founder

Finding the right co-founder for a business is critical; going it alone in the business world is extremely difficult. TJ Muehleman and Jared Malan are the co-founders of We&Co, and shared their past and current experiences with co-founders. Being great friends with someone is not enough to make someone a great co-founder. There is a lot of art to finding the right co-founder, but it has to start with knowing yourself… Watch the video

Consultant’s Corner: Home-Based Business Insurance

Question: Would our homeowner’s insurance cover the entire inventory of our home-based business? Or do we need additional coverage?

In our experience, it is unlikely that your existing homeowner’s insurance policy covers any of your business assets or liabilities, particularly significant amounts… Read more

What Are You Afraid Of Anyway?

Do you find yourself reluctant to touch base with your customers for fear of what you might find? When you even think about reaching out do you ask yourself, “What if something is broken?” or, “What if they ask a question I can’t answer?”

Don’t let this fear stop you from making a call to that person or stopping by their shop. When you find yourself feeling reluctant to do so, I want you to ask yourself one thing: can they eat you… Read more

11 Commonly Overlooked Tax Deductions

As a small business, you need to take advantage of every tax deduction that applies and make sure that you don’t leave money on the table. Here are 11 commonly overlooked tax deductions and ways to make sure you take advantage of these on your next tax return… Read more

Is This Really a Business?

Small home-based businesses have been touted as the last great opportunity for tax shelter. Maybe they are, but there are rules requiring that your business actually be a business and not merely a hobby for which you bring in a little cash to help cover costs… Read more

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