Friday 5 for the Week of December 14th, 2015

Business Mentoring: The Importance of Generational Knowledge
With: Ann Fishman and Fran Tarkenton
Understanding generational knowledge helps business owners reach out to different audiences and motivate their teams more effectively. When dealing with Millennials, it’s important… Watch session
Small Biz Stories: Protect Your Vision
By: Dan Fontaine
One of the most important things for an entrepreneur to do at the beginning of a new venture is to protect their vision. Louie Northern suggests that when you are working… 4 minute video
3 Applications to Declutter Your Life
By: Ted Jenkin
Every day, we become more inundated with the overwhelming onslaught of emails in our inboxes. Technology was supposed to make life easier, but in some ways it has just made… 2 minute read
Long Term Focus for Small Business
By: Fran Tarkenton
As a small business owner, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of an average day. Especially when work piles up in and around the office, entrepreneurs don’t always take… 3 minute read
Customer Service Strategy: To Serve and Protect
By: Shep Hyken
If we call our customers by another name, it can change the mood, feeling and culture of the company. Ace Hardware uses this concept, referring to its customers as… 3 minute read