Friday 5 for the Week of December 1, 2014


Watch out! The articles in this week’s Friday 5 are hot enough to melt your snowman.

Don’t forget that it’s better to give than receive. Share this post with your fellow entrepreneurs and business owners with the hashtag #Friday5.

Business Mentoring Series — The Trouble with Talented Terrors

with: Fran Tarkenton and Mark Murphy

If you fill a team with people who are supposedly high producers, but they are a bad fit for your culture and a cancer in the organization, it’s a recipe for disaster. On this week’s episode, Mark Murphy, CEO of LeadershipIQ, shares research on organizational culture, including the biggest problems for struggling employees and the best way to build a culture that is truly positive… Watch episode

6 Tax Red Flags That Could Get You Audited

by: Ted Jenkin

Nobody wants to be audited. But about 1 in 150 of us will experience some type of audit in our lifetime. That’s the bad news. The good news is that if you avoid these six potential red flags, you may be able reduce your chances of getting the dreaded audit notice in the future… Read article

[Infographic] Facebook’s Getting Older — 2014 Demographic Report

by: Harry Kierbow

Recent research has confirmed what many had already known- younger users are leaving Facebook by the millions for sites like Instagram, Tumblr and Snapchat — aka sites their parents aren’t on. How will this demographic shift impact your marketing plan?… View infographic

[Video] Knowing What You Don’t Know

by: Dan Fontaine

How often do you ask for help? Is it common to have all the different partners and suppliers who support you in your business in the same place talking about how they fit together? As Nourish CEO and founder Lara Hodgson found out, it’s an unusual thing—but one that saved her business tens of thousands of dollars… Watch video

[Video] Business Planning: What is a SWOT Analysis?

by: Edwin Bevens

The SWOT analysis is a key ingredient in a strategic business plan. This is your chance to show that you really have researched what you’re doing and understand all of the issues that your business may face… Watch Video

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