Friday 5 for the Week of August 18, 2014


Miss something this week? Don’t worry kemo sabe – we’re the Tonto to your Lone Ranger. Here are the top trending articles from the week on Hi-Yo Silver!

There’s plenty to go around, so feel free to share this with the hashtag #Friday5.

New Small Business Services from GoSmallBiz

Customer feedback is vital for any business. Whether you’re walking the aisle in your store, talking to people in the parking lot, or asking for reviews from clients, that customer response is what drives small business owners to find new ways to help people and solve problems. is no different… New services

When Should You Incorporate?

Just like sports or comedy, when it comes to incorporation, timing is everything. Incorporate too soon, and you may be stuck wasting your time and money. Incorporate too late and you could face unlimited liability. Here are some factors to consider when timing your incorporation… Read more

Business Mentoring Series: The Mentality of a Championship Organization

The mentality for success is the same in both sports and business, because, when you get to a certain level, everyone is good at what they do. So what separates a good organization from a great organization? A championship mentality… Watch the Episode

Social Media Marketing: You’re Doing It Wrong

You’re fed up. I get it. You are sick and tired of “wasting” time and money on social media. It doesn’t work. You’ve tried everything – zero return. But maybe the problem is you. (That’s right – I said it.) Maybe you’re approaching it the wrong way. Let me show you what I mean… Read more

NOWaccount: Don’t Fall In Love With Your Startup Idea

Like all entrepreneurs, the path to startup for Lara Hodgson and NOWaccount was not a clear cut one. There were many potential dangers to navigate along the way — after all, a majority of startups fail. While it’s important that you believe in your idea, you have to be careful not to fall in love with it… Watch the video

GoSmallBiz offers small business consulting, CEO advice, and an extensive online learning center for small businesses and entrepreneurs. The mission of is simple – to improve the lives of its customers and give them a better chance at success. The GoSmallBiz business specialists have hundreds of years of combined business experience in both private and public companies, and represent all major industries and professions, including CPAs and specialists in finance, sales, marketing, HR, IT, and operations.