Friday 5 for June 28th, 2019


Are the Right People in Your Culture?

By Fran Tarkenton

What kind of culture do you want to have in your workplace? Your culture will depend in large part on the people who are part of your business. During my time in the NFL, I saw this first… Read article

Always Go the Extra Inch in Customer Service

By Shep Hyken

Have you ever experienced lazy customer service? It’s one thing when someone makes an over-the-top extravagant request that can’t be met, but what about when it’s something small that… Watch video

How to Save Money with Ancillary Benefits


Offering additional benefits can be a valuable way to retain your talented employees and attract top job candidates, but have you considered ways that adding ancillary benefits could actually… Read article

How Big is the Market?

By Chris Barnes

When you are discussing the size of your market in your business plan, it is important to have credible sources backing up your data. You might go to studies by government agencies or… Read article

Terminating an At-Will Employee

By Bill Wortman

While your state may be an “employment at-will state” which generally provides employers with discretion to terminate employees with or without cause, employers should always… Read article

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