Friday 5 for July 26th, 2019

Think Like a Customer
By Shep Hyken
Are you really able to understand things from your customer’s perspective? It’s one thing to say, “Walk a mile in your customer’s shoes.” But sometimes, even when we’re trying to think like a customer… Watch video
The True Cost of Hiring
Do you know how much a new employee will cost your business? Not just the salary—the full, true cost. To know the actual cost of hiring, you need to factor in benefits, training costs, and even… Read article
Innovation Builds on the Past
For a solid example of true innovation, we can do no better than to turn to the most prolific innovator in American history, Thomas Alva Edison, who was awarded a record 1,093 U.S. patents… Read article
4 Essential Elements of a Business Plan
By Rick Gossett
Each company will have a different business plan, based on the varying factors of company age, size, and industry, but there are a few common core elements that are central to any effective plan… Read article
Contingency Plans for Sole Proprietors
By Bill Wortman
How should you respond if a prospective client asks what will happen if something happens to you and you’re unable to do the work for any reason? The response to this prospect question will vary… Read article